
Take charge of your health

Because preventive medicine allows you to live longer and, above all, in great shape.

Discover Bodycheckup, the most complete, innovative, and effective test kit on the market to do your health check-up at home.

Our tests to understand and act

Gain access to the microbiota revolution as well as technological advances in the detection of chronic diseases and be supported by our specialist doctors who will provide you with personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations.


Take samples at home: blood, urine, saliva and stool, allowing our doctors to establish your complete health assessment.

A simple blood test that allows early detection of tumor cells in 70 organs of your body.


Take samples at home: blood, urine, saliva and stool, allowing our doctors to establish your complete health assessment.

A simple blood test that allows early detection of tumor cells in 70 organs of your body.


What is included in our

Sending a test kit to your home to return to our laboratory

Your samples analyzed by a scientific committee and explained via a video conference call

Personalized support and treatment

A health check carried out by our specialist doctors.

Based on the results of your analyses, your specialist doctor will present you with an exhaustive assessment of your current state of health during a videoconference. If you have specific needs, he will be able to recommend the most suitable treatment.

Our scientific committee studies each file


Generalists Specialists in Microbiota and Cancer

Endocrinologists and Nutritionists

Dietitians and Naturopaths

Bodycheckup & Kensington International Clinic

Our clinic located in central London (Gastrointestinal center of excellence) has 35 specialist doctors, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, dietitians, naturopaths, anti-aging general practitioners and functional medicine.

In partnership with major European and American laboratories, checkups have been developed to prevent and act against the first signs of the disease.

How it works ?

Sending a test kit to your home to return to our laboratory

Receive the Bodycheckup box at home with the samples to be taken: stool, blood, urine and saliva at home using a simple system that does not require any medical knowledge for microbiota testing. Blood in the laboratory for cancer testing. These samples must be returned by DHL in a pre-paid envelope.

Personalized medical monitoring by videoconference with a specialized doctor

After your analyses, you will receive a health assessment validated by our scientific committee. THE The results of your tests will be discussed on video with one of our specialist doctors.

Personalized monitoring and treatment

A specialized doctor will support you by recommending your microbiota nutritional advice and by prescribing, if necessary, probiotics in order to rebalance your intestinal flora and protect you against chronic diseases. A 25-minute interview with a nutritionist will be offered to you.

Order your kit, follow your analyses, receive your results, carry out your video conference, follow your recommended diets and foods

Bodycheckup Blog

The latest ideas, analyses, and sources of inspiration, are carefully selected to give you the means to succeed in your health journey. Learn about systems biology and the many ways the microbiome plays a crucial role in your health and well-being.

Microbiota Quizz

Test your knowledge of the microbiota and discover all the challenges of the current revolution.

You will be followed by a specialized doctor who will offer you treatment specific to your microbiota, to rebalance it and protect you from chronic diseases.

What is the microbiota?

1 / 10

What is the microbiota?

2 / 10

How many micro-organisms make up our intestinal flora?

3 / 10

At what age is the microbiota fully formed?

4 / 10

What is the approximate weight of our microbiota?

5 / 10

What is the intestinal microbiota used for?

6 / 10

How can the composition of the microbiota be modified?

7 / 10

In the event of an alteration of the microbiota, what are we talking about?

8 / 10

What is fecal bacteriotherapy?

9 / 10

Many researchers, including those at Pasteur, have recently highlighted an interaction between our microbiota and:

10 / 10

What is the point of testing your microbiota?

Your score is
